sexta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2008


1. That has a clear goal for its :
1. Jerusalem
2. Judea
3. Samaria
4. Planet
It has a clear goal and strategy for the local and international fields ( Acts 1 : 8 ).
2. That is powerful in prayer. It prays because it depends on God and His power ( Acts 1 : 8; john 15 : 5 ).
The leaders are praying men and they lead in prayer. They get the church to meet to pray frequently,; pray for many nights for the locality, nation and the nations; for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations ( Isaiah 56:7; 62:6,7; 64:1-4).
They identify with God’s burden in Isaiah 6:8; Luke10:2.
A prayerless church does not have missionary vision!
A church should evaluate how much it puts into prayer daily!
Has it a place of prayer for all nations?
Which church has many of its members praying for an average of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 or more hours of prayer daily?
We are in a pleasure-loving and purposeless generation!!!
Which church has 1, 2, or 3 prayer nights weekly? What do we mean by zeal, being on fire, having passion for souls?
Where are men of prayer? In the Bible 90% of the praying people are men!!! Today women are looked upon to pray!!! In the Bible times the men led in prayer. Today women lead in prayer!!! It is a mark of a backslidden condition. The Church’s need for revival is desperately and urgent!!! The men have lost leadership!!!
3. That gives sacrificially for missions. Its priority is missions!!! Its burden is missions!!! The church puts missions first; the members put missions first in their financial budget. I know of a church that invests 80% of its monthly entries in tithes and offerings into missions!!! And 20% into its local needs.
The example of the church in Macedonia is a rebuke to modern day Pentecostalism (II Cor. 8:1-5).
They were in a time of a most severe trial.
They were in extreme poverty.
They gave with rich generosity.
Their giving made them appear a very rich church!!!
They gave with overflowing joy.
They gave as much as they were able.
They then gave beyond their ability.
They begged, pleaded for their gift to be accepted by the apostle.
It was a privilege for them to give. They were not forced.
Why? 1. They gave themselves first to the Lord!!!
2. Then to the apostle and his team!!!
It is not the number that matters.
It is not the richness or poverty of the church that matters.
It all depends on the heart!!!
We should begin to sell some of our property, empty our homes of the world and give for missions if we are serious.
The example of a church in Asia which because of missions the members sold their radios, TV, and other things in order to support God’s work!
The homes of many are filled with the world,
While the souls of men are perishing in the nations!!
When we begin to empty our homes of the world
There will be an outbreak of revival!!!
We want god!
We also want the world!!
Before we lift up our hands to pray
That god should send funds for his work,
We should first empty our homes of the world!!!

Orando com Poder

Senhor, nos ensine como orar...
Com estas palavras bem conhecidas, os discípulos, reconheceram que havia muito para aprender do Mestre sobre a oração e a sua prática. Como um estudante aguçado destes assuntos, que já assentou durante muito tempo aos pés do Mestre, o Professor Fomum tem aprendido e praticado muito. Ainda hoje, o Mestre pode nos ensinar por este discípulo fiel que buscou profunda e largamente dentro das páginas de Bíblia.
Como um cientista, o autor põe a vida de oração do Senhor Jesus sob um microscópio e retira certos esboços quantificáveis. Este livro sobre como orar está repleto com quadros e diagramas. O Professor Fomum extrai da vida e ensinamento de oração do Senhor Jesus para ajudar para ajudar e enriquecem a oração de seus discípulos hoje.
O título original deste livro é auto-explicativo: Com Cristo na Escola e Ministério de Oração. Porém, o título atual tira os resultados de aplicação do que aprendemos na Escola de Oração do Mestre. O Professor Fomum nos convida a nos matricularmos com ele - um estudante vitalício – na Escola de Oração do Senhor. Para se matricular no programa de oração do Mestre tudo o que você precisa fazer é ler e aplicar o que você deste livro extraordinário.
Zacharias Tanee Fomum é professor titular e um cientista renomado em Química Orgânica na Universidade de Yaundé 1, Camarões. Como um líder Cristão, é o líder da Comunidade Missionária Cristã Internacional, um ministério com visão missionária, com missionários e igrejas em 49 países no mundo. É envolvido com a implantação de igrejas, treinamento de líderes, cruzadas de oração e jejum e a derrota de espíritos satânicos territoriais. Já pregou o Evangelho pessoalmente e realizou caminhadas de oração em mega-cidades em mais de 50 países no mundo e nas 33 cidades na Índia.

About Zacharias Tanee Fomum

Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum a Cameroonian, born in 1945, received the Lord Jesus as his Saviour in 1956 and consecrated his life to the Lord Jesus Christ in 1966 while he was a student in Fourah Bay College, Sierra Leone. Because of the vision he had to see Cameroonians turn to Christ in multitudes and to have churches planted in every part of the nation, he began to prepare spiritually for this by praying virtually everyday for Cameroon with his beloved wife Prisca while in Fourah Bay College. His ministry began in Cameroon in 1975. His preaching were with such demonstration of the power of God that the miracles that backed the power of the Word were the news of the day in one of the outstanding newspapers of the nation: "Cameroon Tribune" the government paper which reported his evangelistic ministry in articles like “ Evangelical Hurricanes hit Bamenda" and “Miraculous Healings in Bamenda”.
The preaching with power shook many places especially Ngaoundere in the Moslem north of Cameroon where multitudes have come to Christ. People brought out fetishes to be burnt and destroyed. He has been called, “The Evangelist of Cameroon”, “The Billy Graham of Cameroon”.
As leader and founder of Christian Missionary Fellowship International, his ministry grew such that the church in Yaounde, the nation’s capital is now more than 10.000 members and there are churches today in approximately 700 localities in Cameroon. There is a growing outreach to the Pygmies in the south. There are missionaries from Cameroon involved with church-planting in many localities in the nation of Cameroon. CMFI has a strong missionary vision for disciple-making both in the local and international fields. They have missionaries and churches today in more than 50 nations of the world.
Professor Z. T. Fomum is the author of more than 100 Christian books on prayer, missions, leadership, Christian Living and Service. Over 75 of these have been published and are in circulation in a number of languages. Four million of his books are in circulation in French and English.
Professor Fomum is involved in church-planting, leadership training, preaching, and church edification through the ministry of the word. He has already preached the Gospel in more than 50 countries in the world including the underground church in China and taught on prayer in 33 localities in India.
He is a man who prays for an average of 7 hours a day. He is praying virtually every night alone or with a team of recklessly committed prayer partners. They are overwhelmed by the greatness of the unfinished task of winning the lost and planting churches and fear to fail God!
Days of Prayer, seasons of prayer, complete fasts of 1 to 40 days duration and prayer walks in giant and mega cities of the world for the overthrow of territorial satanic spirits are part of his ministry. He has led several victorious battles for the overthrow of territorial satanic spirits worldwide and in Cameroon. Read one of the stories in the book, “The Church is Bigger than You Think” (page 145) by Patrick Johnstone.
Academically, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum obtained a first class Bachelor of Science degree, graduating as the Fourah Bay College’s prize winning student in 1969. In 1973, he obtained the PhD in Organic Chemistry. Thirty years of post doctoral research have enabled him to publish over 100 articles in learned international journals of Chemistry and to supervise over 90 master’s and doctorate theses. His research work was recently examined by the University of Durham, Great Britain and found to be of very high distinction for which he has recently earned the D.Sc (Doctor of Science), the first Cameroonian to earn such a degree. He is a full professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon.